Friday, April 17, 2009
Coming home/breastfeeding woes
So I wanted to give breastfeeding a whirl for obvious reasons (burning calories, nutrition, and bonding). Oran knew what to do from 15 minutes old when I first fed him in the hospital. That lil sugar-snap latched on and chugged! OMG OUCH!!!! Nevertheless still worth it. I practiced with the lactation nurse on different holds and how to keep him awake to eat. She is super smart about babies and boobies. (I thought that sounded cute) Oran and I were released 12/30/08 around 6pm from the hospital. Mimi drove Oran and I home and had dinner cooked for me and my house was SPOTLESS! (thanks MOM!) So our first night was a ROUGH one. I insisted he sleep in the bed with me since he had to eat every 2 hours, and I love snuggle-time. Well breastfeeding mothers know that the first 3 days you only produce colostrum (not milk), which is basically a liquid laxative. Fun diaper changes. Well that can make a baby super gassy. Well I knew about Mylicon drops but figured I didn't need them like when he was 3 days old! Boy was I wrong. Oran was so gassy that he would NOT breastfeed even though he was hungry and thirsty. He was crying (that sweet lil newborn baa-ing) so much that his mouth was dry as a bone. Nurse instincts kick in...I dip his pacifier in water and let him get a bit that way and try to breastfeed again. Oran continues to REFUSE! Now I really wanted to strictly breastfeed for as long as possible. No such luck. Oran's mucus membranes were dry and that means dehydration which is critical in a newborn. After him not eating for over 4 hours I decide to make a bottle with the formula Brittany so kindly donated to me. (Lifesaver, literally) Oran drank it right down with no problems. So now I get paranoid that he isn't getting what he needs from me, milk-wise. The next morning we head off to the Peds office for a routine well-baby check-up. Well Oran wasn't so "well". He had lost too much weight in only 15 hours. The Dr. told me that we would have to re-admit Oran to the hospital for fluids and food. I begged and asked what I could do to avoid this with a few tears in my eyes. (Being a nurse at St. Mary's I knew that Oran would not go back to the nursery, he would have to go to the Peds floor where all the RSV babies are. RSV is a very contagious respiratory virus that can be life-threatening especially in newborns) I was so scared and upset, my lil lovie was only 3 days old and sooooooo fragile. The MD said that I could go home and force-feed Oran as much formula as I could and to return in 4 hours for a re-check on his weight. Well I did that and he took exactly 4 ounces in 4 hours. Back to the MD's office...(fingers crossed). Oran gained exactly 4 ounces, just enough to keep us out of the hospital that night. (thank goodness he didn't pee at all in that 4 hours otherwise we would have been admitted) We also had to endure 2 heel-sticks on day 3 and 5 of his life for a bilirubin level to monitor his slight jaundice. So I stuck with the breastfeeding because the milk finally came in for a short time. It seemed like Oran was constantly feeding. I would literally feed him for 30 minutes on each "tata" and he would still seem hungry. So here comes the breast pump. UGH! Good- now I know how much he is drinking. Bad- very time consuming, being a single mom it was nearly impossible to pump for a full 30 mins. So my New Year's Eve consisted of pumping my boobs and going to sleep early. (I was able to go to sleep early because Mimi and Pappa were there to help me, THANKS!) Wow now I feel OLD! So I only breastfeed for 1 month, but hey that's better than nothing. Things I will not miss about breast-feeding: leaky boobs, wearing pads in my bra, chapped nipples (yeh u thought chapped lips hurt) and the PAIN. Things that I will miss: losing most of my mommy weight FAST, round-perky vs. flat boobies, the bonding, and did I mention big boobs?! haha
Monday, April 13, 2009
Uncle Rocky's HALF-day
Ok so I have to post this now because its just too funny. I call it a "Half-day" because I think a whole day would have resulted in something unpleasant for Oran & Uncle Rocky. My sister Sarah had the wonderful idea of going to Six Flags for Easter like we did last year. Her husband Robert (Uncle Rocky) bravely said that he would keep Oran while we went. Last year we were in and out of Six Flags in 3 hours and were able to ride everything. I said if Robert felt comfortable keeping Oran that I would be ok with it. I mean he is a 30-something man with 4 other nephews, how clueless could he be? Now I try and keep Oran on a strict schedule because we both LOVE it! So I am trying to tell Robert bits and pieces here and there so I won't overwhelm him all at once. All along he is so cool and casual saying, and I quote "It's just a baby, how hard could it be?" HAHAHAHAHA! Well I do have to admit for the most part Uncle Rocky did a GREAT job. Oran was alive and happy when we got home. They were sitting on the porch with Oran just in a onesie (for those of u who know me I keep my child bundled like we live in Antarctica). He had lost his pants, socks and blanket. Now it was a nice day its not like it was cold, but still, it's a mother thing. Sarah turns around and says what's this? It was a dirty diaper (just pee) flung next to the door wide open. Robert says, "That's is far as it got." Ha ha ha I know exactly what he means even though I always try and wrap them up. Then I say how I missed Oran and Robert's all "Here you wanna hold him?" HA HA! Love it. Poor thing an infant one on one is REALLY rough. THANKS UNCLE ROCKY! Ok now for the best part...later we were all talking in the kitchen and I think we were going to heat up some water in Oran's bottle for his next feeding. Rocky looks at the bottle and says, "You aren't going to use that much water are you? That's a lot." Sarah and I were all haha you're very funny. Oh yeh you guessed it he wasn't joking! Ok so I let a few bottles stack up before I wash them. I use Avent and when I am through with them I rinse the bottle and nipple, then leave a little bit of water in the bottle and then put the nipple in upside down and fill it with water so it will slowly drip through the hole. (That sounds OCD, I know) So I tell Robert 10 times, 6 ounces of water and 3 level unpacked scoops of formula heated for 20-30 seconds.(and its written down) Well Sarah measures out a bottle for him and puts it next to his formula and I set another clean bottle with that. I took the dirty bottles out of the sink and set them on the opposite side of the sink (far away) from the clean bottles because I am weird about hands or dishes being rinsed off over the bottles. (germaphobic?) These dirty bottles were used to feed my child!!!! And god only knows how much water was in each bottle. Obviously no where near 6 ounces since he thought that was a lot. So poor Oran had to suck down a paste. He had a lil belly ache and was probably a tiny bit dehydrated. But I fixed that. Anyways I was cracking up. I knew that Oran was going to be fine and I thought it was funny. Robert was so sorry and felt so bad. So I bet next time (if there EVER is a next time) he will listen a bit closer. Aunt Sarie and Uncle Rocky are working up the courage to have kids and I hope this didn't scare Rocky s**tless. It might have scared Sarah more. :) Well I had an AWESOME time at Six Flags, thanks Uncle Rocky, we love you!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
delivery continued...
Well the nurse made a mistake by telling me to call when I "felt" like pushing. Well considering this is the BIGGEST MOST IMPORTANT moment of my life, that would change my life FOREVER, I was sorta scared to push. So I quietly laid there in pain for well over an hour. Finally the pain started to get the best of me and I guess I snapped at all the ladies talking in my room. By ladies I am talking about my gigantic fantastic family, Mom, Sarah, Tracy, Carol, Shannon and Brittany...and the men came pacing in and out. I was ready for some peace and quiet because I guess it was TIME!! During the whole day my sister Sarah kept asking me if I wanted socks. Well my ill behavior got my nurse to the room quickly. She asked if I was feeling pain and I told her YES! She said that I wasn't supposed to be feeling any, UH OH! She gave me a blous(big dose) of my epidural and went to check my "process". Before I know it the nurse rips off the end of my bed and throws my legs into the stirrups and tells ME its time to push. I was like, wait wait but I didn't say I was ready. She said "his head is right here". Sarah: You want some socks? Me: NOOOO! Now I went on and on earlier about my gushing amniotic fluid to tell you this: when we asked if he would have much hair, the nurse "reached in" (eewwwwww) and said he was gonna be as "bald as a cue ball". Well when she threw my legs in the stirrups she noticed that I had another bag of fluid. Yes that is another whole sac of amniotic fluid. Now thats just plain weird. So she proceeded to break the next bag and told me when I was having contractions to push. Sarah: You want some socks? Me: NOOOO!Since I was sitting quietly in pain for so long I did what they call "labor down", meaning that I let the contractions move the baby down for me instead of pushing. So I only pushed for 30 mins!! I was in labor for 12 hours, but again only pushed for 30 mins!! I am a PRO! :) Justin, Oran's father was at the bedside during the delivery, my mom, dad, and both sisters were also in the room with me. The miracle of birth is something that I didn't want to deny anyone who wanted to see. Sarah: You want some socks? Me: If you ask me one more time I am gonna kill you! Awww my sweet sister just wanted me to be comfortable. During the short 30 mins of pushing I keep hearing both my sisters' encouragement "you're doing great Abbey. Keep pushing. Oh my goodness I can see his head, go Abbey!" The nurse tells me "His head is almost out, you're doing good just keep pushing". I say, "well then just pull him out if he is so close!" Now that got a laugh from everyone but me, I was serious. After I got his head out they said one more big push and he would be HERE! So I push with all might and....GUSH! A HUGE mess of fluid comes flying out behind Oran and washes him off so he is super clean. Ok that was weird, more fluid?? The nurse said it was possibly another yes a 3rd bag of fluid! Or what I am thinking that it was just fluid left behind him from the 2nd sac. It's insane how much fluid I was holding! So in my fantasy world I didn't gain any "fat" weight. It must have been all the fluid weighing 30lbs. Haha. Ok so the first thing I do when I see Oran is...CRY. Now all you mothers know that these are tears of happiness, pure JOY. HOLY CRAP, I, yes lil ole me just created LIFE!!!!! What a feeling. Oran was 7lbs 9oz born at 5:43pm on 12/28/08. He was healthy, all any mother could ask for.
Visitor List:
Mimi & Pappa (my mom and dad)
Tracy (sister)
Sarah & Robert (sister and brother-in-law)
Justin (Oran's father)
Carol & Jim (aunt and uncle)
Brittany (cousin)
Shannon (cousin)
Ashley (cousin)
Great-Gran (my grandmother)
Cindy (aunt)
Gran, Nini and Becca (Justin's parents and sister)
Carol S. (co-worker)
Susy & Terry (co-workers)
Now I think that is all if I forgot anyone my excuse is, I WAS DRUGGED!
So I think thats all there is to say about my easy delivery. I was very lucky to have everything go so smoothly for me. Now I am scared to have any other kids, because we all know lightening doesn't strike the same place twice. Meaning I doubt I will be so lucky to have an "easy" pregnancy and delivery again. I want to say thank you to everyone that was there for me at the hospital, THANK YOU!! Ya'lls support means the world to me. I am blessed to have such a loving and supportive family. I love you all!
P.S. I don't want any socks Sarah!!!! But thanks anyways. :)
Visitor List:
Mimi & Pappa (my mom and dad)
Tracy (sister)
Sarah & Robert (sister and brother-in-law)
Justin (Oran's father)
Carol & Jim (aunt and uncle)
Brittany (cousin)
Shannon (cousin)
Ashley (cousin)
Great-Gran (my grandmother)
Cindy (aunt)
Gran, Nini and Becca (Justin's parents and sister)
Carol S. (co-worker)
Susy & Terry (co-workers)
Now I think that is all if I forgot anyone my excuse is, I WAS DRUGGED!
So I think thats all there is to say about my easy delivery. I was very lucky to have everything go so smoothly for me. Now I am scared to have any other kids, because we all know lightening doesn't strike the same place twice. Meaning I doubt I will be so lucky to have an "easy" pregnancy and delivery again. I want to say thank you to everyone that was there for me at the hospital, THANK YOU!! Ya'lls support means the world to me. I am blessed to have such a loving and supportive family. I love you all!
P.S. I don't want any socks Sarah!!!! But thanks anyways. :)
The Delivery
So my due date was January 2nd 2009. Well since it was so close to the beginning of the new year I opted to induce for a few reasons. First and foremost I did it for the tax money! Does that make me a bad person? No way Jose! Other reasons being that I was huge and didn't feel like being pregnant another second and I am not into surprises. So I set up an induction for December 28th. (Oran mommy is so sorry that your birthday is so close to the holidays!) My mom and dad came and spent the night with me so they could drive me to the hospital the next morning. So my alarm goes off nice and early about 5am on the morning of December 28th. I was so excited that I popped straight up in bed. Well maybe a little too excited because my water broke as I was "popping" up. Now thats a weird sensation! So I showered and fixed my hair all pretty, put on a diaper sized pad and headed to work errr to have my baby. I did deliver where I work, St. Mary's. So by the time I get to the hospital I can feel warm amniotic fluid filling my pants and running down my leg. (hope no one is squeamish, us nurses love gross stuff) I get up to my room and rip off my soaking pants and got into a lovely hospital gown. By the time I get situated in the bed I am soaking wet again and have to get a new pad on the bed and another between my legs. My nurse asks if I am having contractions and I tell her no, because I have no idea what they feel like. The nurse proceeds to tell me they feel like really bad cramps. So I am all "well yeh I have been having those for days". DUH! Now I know! My nurse started my Pitocin (helps contractions). Soon my hospital room was filled with all the people I love! My mom, dad, sisters, brother-in-law, aunt, uncle, cousins, and Oran's father were all surrounding me cheering me on. Or should I say placing bets as to when I will deliver. I ask for some pain medicine and they gave me Stadol! Ugh that stuff only worked from my neck up...meaning I felt stupid drunk but was still in pain. So I ask for the real stuff, the epidural! WOW now that stuff works! I couldn't even lift my legs off the bed. The nurse just told me to call when I felt like pushing. To be continued...
Monday, April 6, 2009
Pappa Day
Oran had his first ever Pappa Day! My dad took care of Oran for me on Saturday so I could sleep. (I got off work at 7a on Sat.) Then he drove him to me all the way in Athens. Then we all got to spend the night together. Now I have to admit I was a bit worried having my dad watch my precious lil baby. Diaper changes, feedings, naps I know this gets overwhelming. I mean its been what 28 years since he has done this stuff right? Well I am sure he helped with my sisters children, but I am completely oblivious to that fact now because this is MY child we're talking about. Unfortunately and fortunately thats the end of the story. Oran had a great time, was happy and in one piece. Good job Pappa. Oran and I both look forward to more one on one Pappa time.
What's in a name?
I named my son after 2 very incredible men. My father, and my father's father. Oran Thomas Ledford. Oran was my grandfathers name and Thomas is my dads name. And since I am NOT married (and probably never will be) Oran gets to carry on the Ledford name. This is a huge deal because my father and his brother both had 3 girls, therefore the name was supposed to die with them. Well here I come to save the day (remember everything happen for a reason). Oran is very lucky to be named after these men because I have never met anyone like them. They are both very hard workers and can tell a joke like nobodies business. If I am lucky Oran will grow up to be just like them! I love you PawPaw and Pappa! Thanks for being wonderful men in my life that I can count on, ALWAYS!
Friday, April 3, 2009

Smooshed nose

6.5 weeks preggo

19 weeks along

25 weeks and starting to really show

31 weeks and feelin it
HOLY CRAP! The human body amazes me. This is the night before my induction.
Ok back to the pregnancy. So I was very lucky to have a very easy pregnancy. Of course I had all your usual gripes and moans, but fairly tolerable. I realized that all your normal non-pregnant gripes about health only get worse with pregnancy. My morning sickness came in my 2nd trimester, which is unusual, its probably because I was gloating about the fact that I felt great. Oran says, "yeh right mommy". I had to carry "barf bags" in my car, because as luck would have it thats when I felt most nauseated. I now can add the skill of being able to drive and puke at the same time to my resume. I did happen to get 2 yes TWO stomach viruses while I was pregnant which sucked big time. But we made it through with no complications. I didn't gain much weight, about 30lbs. Well that doesn't seem much to me because I was expecting like 80lbs. I didn't really start to show until about 6months. For some reason I was obsessed with not getting stretch marks. So I would "lube up" everyday with my special stretch mark lotion. I was actually thinking , "hey I think this lotion stuff really does prevent stretch marks". (again being a nurse I know that no "miracle" lotion can prevent stretch marks) Well around 2 weeks before I was scheduled to deliver, they started, the dreaded stretch marks! They might have been there earlier, but I could only see the topside of my belly, not the underneath where they snuck up! I was horrified when I saw it in the mirror. Oh no my gorgeous abs are doomed. LOL ok ok not so much. I never wear anything that would reveal my flabby belly, so my question is, why was I so obsessed about not getting stretch marks? I still don't know that answer. Things that I took for granted before being pregnant: Putting on socks and being able to wipe normally after peeing. Foods I craved: Salsa and milk! All in all I really enjoyed being pregnant more than I thought I would.
Oran at 3.5 months
So I figured that I would work backwards (for now) so I can tell you about Oran now, then we will start back at the pregnancy and continue until I get up to date. So the latest and greatest is that on April 2nd Oran mimicked me! He made that lil raspberry sound, you know the one where you stick your tounge out and blow. So I started doing it back to him to see if he would respond with something other than his precious smiles and tiny giggles, and well HE DID IT! We did this for as long as he could stand it. Wow I can't believe how fast he is growing up. Now is a good time for me to watch what I do around him because children learn from example, and well I admit I do not fit the perfect mother role, YET! haha So today Mimi (my mom) said that when Oran woke up the first thing he did was.....blow a raspberry. I can just hear his lil mind "Hey Mimi, look what I can do! I remembered my trick from yesterday!" What a smarty pants. The reason I was not with him this morning is because I am back at work at St. Mary's Hospital working nights (7p-7a) and my mom is awesome enough to help me out by keeping Oran for me. I never thought it was possible to love somone 10x more than the day before, everyday. Oran, mommy loves you more than you will ever know!
In the beginning...
Wow where should I start? Well I got pregnant, now thats a start! When I saw that lil plus sign on that stick I thought I was going to faint. But I didn't. I did what any rational person would do, get another test because the first one was wrong....RIGHT?? Ha ha ha being a Nurse I know that there are no false positives, only false negatives. But who uses brains when you have hormones raging through you? Well after all my feelings (denial, anger, confusion...etc) were in order I was actually VERY excited. Now this is not at all how I planned on having my first child, single that is, but I am a strong believer in the saying "Everything happens for a reason". OMG and he is the best "thing" that has EVER happened to me! I also never pictured my life to turn out the way it is now, such as: buying my own house at 26 years old, living in Athens, and still fighting to finish my educational desires. As I see it life never happens the way you plan it, so expect that and "just go with the flow". Life would be too boring if we knew how everything was going work out. Ok a short start but its something....more to come soon! Now all I have to do is figure out this picture thing....ugh
I made it
Ok Brittany I am here, now where is my pie??? So for everyone else, Brittany is my cousin that has been hounding me to get on here and start blogging about my son, Oran. She has an awesome page about her 2 children and well now I am jealous. So here we go....
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