Smooshed nose

6.5 weeks preggo

19 weeks along

25 weeks and starting to really show

31 weeks and feelin it
HOLY CRAP! The human body amazes me. This is the night before my induction.
Ok back to the pregnancy. So I was very lucky to have a very easy pregnancy. Of course I had all your usual gripes and moans, but fairly tolerable. I realized that all your normal non-pregnant gripes about health only get worse with pregnancy. My morning sickness came in my 2nd trimester, which is unusual, its probably because I was gloating about the fact that I felt great. Oran says, "yeh right mommy". I had to carry "barf bags" in my car, because as luck would have it thats when I felt most nauseated. I now can add the skill of being able to drive and puke at the same time to my resume. I did happen to get 2 yes TWO stomach viruses while I was pregnant which sucked big time. But we made it through with no complications. I didn't gain much weight, about 30lbs. Well that doesn't seem much to me because I was expecting like 80lbs. I didn't really start to show until about 6months. For some reason I was obsessed with not getting stretch marks. So I would "lube up" everyday with my special stretch mark lotion. I was actually thinking , "hey I think this lotion stuff really does prevent stretch marks". (again being a nurse I know that no "miracle" lotion can prevent stretch marks) Well around 2 weeks before I was scheduled to deliver, they started, the dreaded stretch marks! They might have been there earlier, but I could only see the topside of my belly, not the underneath where they snuck up! I was horrified when I saw it in the mirror. Oh no my gorgeous abs are doomed. LOL ok ok not so much. I never wear anything that would reveal my flabby belly, so my question is, why was I so obsessed about not getting stretch marks? I still don't know that answer. Things that I took for granted before being pregnant: Putting on socks and being able to wipe normally after peeing. Foods I craved: Salsa and milk! All in all I really enjoyed being pregnant more than I thought I would.
I LOVE IT!!! You are hilarious! I am glad to finally peer pressure you enough to start one! Woo Hoo!