This is the story of my son's life how I see it. Every year I will create a book for him from these posts.

Friday, April 3, 2009

In the beginning...

Wow where should I start? Well I got pregnant, now thats a start! When I saw that lil plus sign on that stick I thought I was going to faint. But I didn't. I did what any rational person would do, get another test because the first one was wrong....RIGHT?? Ha ha ha being a Nurse I know that there are no false positives, only false negatives. But who uses brains when you have hormones raging through you? Well after all my feelings (denial, anger, confusion...etc) were in order I was actually VERY excited. Now this is not at all how I planned on having my first child, single that is, but I am a strong believer in the saying "Everything happens for a reason". OMG and he is the best "thing" that has EVER happened to me! I also never pictured my life to turn out the way it is now, such as: buying my own house at 26 years old, living in Athens, and still fighting to finish my educational desires. As I see it life never happens the way you plan it, so expect that and "just go with the flow". Life would be too boring if we knew how everything was going work out. Ok a short start but its something....more to come soon! Now all I have to do is figure out this picture thing....ugh

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