This is the story of my son's life how I see it. Every year I will create a book for him from these posts.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Oran at 3.5 months

My lil stud muffin posing for the ladies

He loves bathtime

Look Mommy, I's a big boy!


Te hee hee yer ssooo silly mom!

So I figured that I would work backwards (for now) so I can tell you about Oran now, then we will start back at the pregnancy and continue until I get up to date. So the latest and greatest is that on April 2nd Oran mimicked me! He made that lil raspberry sound, you know the one where you stick your tounge out and blow. So I started doing it back to him to see if he would respond with something other than his precious smiles and tiny giggles, and well HE DID IT! We did this for as long as he could stand it. Wow I can't believe how fast he is growing up. Now is a good time for me to watch what I do around him because children learn from example, and well I admit I do not fit the perfect mother role, YET! haha So today Mimi (my mom) said that when Oran woke up the first thing he did was.....blow a raspberry. I can just hear his lil mind "Hey Mimi, look what I can do! I remembered my trick from yesterday!" What a smarty pants. The reason I was not with him this morning is because I am back at work at St. Mary's Hospital working nights (7p-7a) and my mom is awesome enough to help me out by keeping Oran for me. I never thought it was possible to love somone 10x more than the day before, everyday. Oran, mommy loves you more than you will ever know!

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